I don't usually have much to say when I'm around other people, but I've always done plenty of listening.

Growing up, I think my friends and family would agree that I was more of the quiet type. I certainly have my loud, silly moments, but I'm generally a calm, serious person.
When I'm with groups of people outside of my immediate family and closest friends, I often feel anxious and overstimulated—I am a true introvert, so I don't always have the mental focus or stamina to verbally share my thoughts around others.
I admire people like my husband, Taylor, whose laser-sharp focus when masterfully telling a story or explaining a situation to others face-to-face is only an ability I can meagerly attempt.
But I'm always listening and observing, being that "quiet girl" in the back of the room, enjoying what others have to say, making mental notes of anything intriguing that I can process and ponder on later.
And so enters my keyboard. What I lack in my best efforts to express myself verbally is made up by my love for the written—typed—word. I love reading what other people have expressed in writing. In fact, I much prefer reading a transcript or an article than watching the video version of the same content. (Anybody else feel that way?)
As I've begun writing out my thoughts for this website, I've been absolutely terrified to share what's been on my mind. For over two years, I've let my fear of "nobody cares what you have to say" prevent me from publishing this sooner. I'm a listener, not a talker, so why would anything I write make any difference to anyone?
Because what other people have written and shared have made a huge difference for me. And for all of us. Think of your favorite author. The best biography you've ever read. That magazine you enjoy each month.
People put themselves out there all the time, and what do we do? We read and we listen. We ALL have things to say and share with others. Don't discount yourself—I'm talking to YOU!
We won't all go viral with our quirky blogs or funny Facebook posts. And that's not the goal. Each of us has a sphere of influence, and the goodness that we share for even the few people that may be listening to us can impact their lives in positive ways that we may never have anticipated.
So don't be afraid to share your thoughts with others! I'm sharing. And I'm listening.
I totally know what you mean by wanting to read instead watch. My siblings are sending me awesome podcasts all they time they want me to watch or listen to and I am like "Why don't they have the text of their podcast!!!" I do so much better with focus when I can read it. I am looking forward to reading what you have to say!